We had an idea, a small one, that grew into a large one... Teach hand surgery. 

Years ago, I was fortunate to receive an International Orthopedic Fellowship to Moshi, Tanzania. I was excited at the prospect of helping the local community and gaining experience treating complicated medical issues. I was beyond humbled by my experience. I ventured out to help abroad, made friends and gained experience, but I learned early on that the need was much greater. I returned as a completely different physician. I was humbled by the community's warmth and dire need for advanced surgical care. There were scores of people with congenital deformities and severe injuries, doing their best, without easy access to procedures that could change their lives. 

Our organization strives to change that, to improve the lives of others through service, teaching, and outreach, and to ensure that the teaching propagates. In turn, we improve ourselves through care, learning, and humility.

I have since returned, each time building relationships, making a survey of the needs, and assessing how I could affect change. We aspire to serve as an additional hub in the country for talented, committed surgeons/care providers to travel and teach. 

Our goal is to raise awareness and funding for yearly medical trips to Tanzania to provide specific teaching in upper extremity surgery. We plan to continue and hopefully expand to additional areas with needs. But one cannot move a mountain alone.  

-Andre D. Ivy, MD

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